Tuesday 30 April 2013

Is Violin Hard To Learn

Learn to Play Violin, Violin Master Pro Review, Is Violin Hard To Learn, Buying a Violin, Violin Methods, Violin Lessons, How To Read Violin Music, Learn Violin Online

Is violin hard to learn to play? Numerous people who are interested in learning how to play the violin wonder if this instrument is really that hard to learn. How difficult can this really be? When you observe a talented violinist playing this instrument, they actually make it look rather easy. However, as most people will soon ascertain, the violin is actually one of the more difficult instruments to learn to play.  

Holding The Violin in The Proper Position Makes Playing The Violin Difficult

Most skilled violinists will point out that the biggest obstacle keeping students from moving forward is the fact that they need to overcome the “comfort factor” which is the proper holding and placement of the violin on the chin and neck. 

As beginning students will quickly discover, once this comfort issue has been resolved, they will quickly move forward with the learning process. Consequently, it is imperative that students resolve this comfort issue because there is not time, nor is it appropriate, to continuously adjust the violin while you are playing.

Thus, to play the violin well, you must take the time to learn how to wedge the violin between your chin and your chest without straining your neck.  After holding the violin in the proper position for some time, you may find that you are straining your neck and you may even develop a temporary mark on your chin and chest. The importance of this proper technique for holding the violin cannot be stressed enough. 

While you are playing the violin, you will also be holding the neck of the violin with one hand and a bow in your other hand. Holding the violin in the proper position between your neck and chest is extremely important because one hand will be busy moving up and down the neck of the violin pressing on the appropriate strings. At the same time, the other hand will be holding the bow and moving back and forth and raising and lowering over the strings to produce sound.

Before you feel totally defeated about pursuing your interest in learning to play the violin, remember, this violin placement aspect can be learned in a very short period of time.  Do not let this issue deter you from following your desire to enjoy and play this beautiful instrument.

Learn to Play Violin, Violin Master Pro Review, Is Violin Hard To Learn, Buying a Violin, Violin Methods, Violin Lessons, How To Read Violin Music, Learn Violin Online
Learning How to Stand and Sit While Playing The Violin 

Like most other instruments, one of the first steps you must accomplish is how to correctly stand and sit while playing the violin. As you advance in your violin skills, you will certainly be playing in an orchestra as well as performing individual solo recitals. Usually, it is the performer’s choice as to whether you will be standing or sitting, but being comfortable with either position is particularly important. 

Whether you sit or stand, correct posture will be required in order to play the violin with excellence.  If you are reading the music during a concert, you certainly will not want to be worrying about your posture because that should be second nature. When presenting an individual performance, the music will definitely have to be memorized.  You surely will not want your posture to distract from your beautiful music. 

Learning How to Hold The Bow Properly For The Right Tone and Sound

When you first start playing the violin, it is just as important to learn how to hold the bow properly as it is to learn the proper technique for holding the violin appropriately.  To use the bow correctly, you will grasp the end that looks something like a handle or the “frog” with your right hand. Because you will be required to hold the bow with one hand, you will have to hold it firmly, but yet in a relaxed manner so the sound is not forced or scratchy. 

Once you learn how to hold the bow properly and maneuver it across the strings, your tone will improve as you practice all of these techniques. As you move the bow across the strings, you will need to learn the proper amount of pressure to apply to the strings in order to produce a great sound. With practice, you will develop the right touch for producing quality tone. 

For each musical note, the bow must be maneuvered in a certain manner. When moving the bow over the strings, you do not use your entire right arm or as this might be called “chicken winging”. Only your forearm is used to move across the strings and your upper arm and elbow remain stationary. You can always practice this proper bow movement by standing next to a wall which will stop you from moving your elbow. 

Developing Further Playing  Processes

At the same time that you are moving the bow across the strings, you should not forget to keep a proper hold on your bow.  The bow does not always move up and down with each note. Sometimes the bow may move up when playing four different notes. This same process applies when moving the bow down the strings. One of the future learning processes of violin playing is to understand when your bow needs to move up or down. The type of music or a particular song will have an impact on how you maneuver the bow for the proper tone and sound. As you learn how to control the bow, you to also have the ability to play either loud or soft.  All of the methods for playing the violin will be learned as you progress in your level of playing.

Although this total concept of holding the violin correctly plus holding the bow correctly seems overwhelming at this time, just remember you will need to practice this instrument as you would with learning to play any instrument.  With this practice, comes your proficiency of this instrument and all of these concepts just seem to fall into place. When first getting started, there are many different exercised designed to help you learn and improve all of the various techniques necessary to play the violin.

When first beginning the learning process, the violin may appear to be a difficult instrument to learn to play.  The violin can be a rather challenging instrument to learn to play initially. However, once you learn the proper techniques for holding the violin and the bow while standing or sitting, you will be well on your way to mastering the violin. As you continue with your regular daily practice sessions, many other techniques are learned naturally as you develop your violin skills. 

Learn to Play Violin, Violin Master Pro Review, Is Violin Hard To Learn, Buying a Violin, Violin Methods, Violin Lessons, How To Read Violin Music, Learn Violin Online
Want To Learn How To Play the Violin

Do you have a child who is interested in learning to play the violin? Do you already know how to play the violin, but you want to improve your skills. The program “Violin Master Pro’ is specially designed to assist all violin players regardless of their age or their skill level. 

This is a complete online violin program that allows you to learn to play violin or develop new skills all from the comfort of your own home. To assist all players regardless of any learning challenges, this step by step system is filled with informational materials and videos.

This is one of the comments from a prior student:

Thanks for the great program. As an experienced student, I had come to a crossroads in my violin performance development. I was searching for a exercise that could stick. After only two weeks of playing, I have seen tremendous improvements in my playing and it is definitely, without a doubt, from using the Eric Lewis method.

From Shostakovich to Beethoven, I have critiqued my playing since working with your program. Great work and I look forward to the updates. I have to say I have really taken off with your scale mechanizer and the visual tools.   J. Toma, Minneapolis, MN

If you are looking for a source to develop your violin skills, this just might be your best option.